Now is a more important time than ever to dust off your resume and prepare for that new construction job you’ve been thinking about. Employers and recruiters have quickly adopted a new approach by conducting interviews online. To make sure you're putting your best foot forward in your interview, check out some of my top tips.
1. Be prepared
Preparing for an online construction job interview should be taken just as seriously as if you were interviewing in person. Make sure you have researched the company well and you're 100% ready to explain why you're the right fit for the role based on your skills and experience. Being late for an interview is never a good look so make sure you're at least 5-10 minutes early, especially as it may take you longer than expected to log into the video software.
2. Consider your location
As you are likely to be at home, you may not have too many options where you can do the video interview, however try to be in a quiet space. Ensure the space is well lit and there is no risk of distractions or people walking around in the background. Furthermore, make sure there is no clutter in the background. A plain wall or office setting is ideal.
3. Test your technology and conduct a mock interview
Test your camera, the sound, the lighting and the internet connection in the area where you are likely to do the interview. Make sure you understand how your technology works and how to adjust your settings before the interview commences. Under identical circumstances, do a mock interview with a friend or family member and either ask them for feedback or record the interview so you can play it back to yourself.
4. Body Language
It may seem obvious but many candidates will slouch, lean back in their chair or cross their arms. Bad posture can be off-putting to the interviewer and even in a video interview, it can convey a sense that you are closed off or uninterested.
5. Eye-contact
Avoid looking around the room and maintain solid eye contact as much as possible with the person who is interviewing you. It is easy to look at yourself on your monitor but looking straight at the camera will allow a better connection with the interviewer.
6. Distractions
Make sure all apps or programs on your computer are turned off and just like any interview, ensure your phone is on silent or switched off to avoid interruption during the interview.
Keeping these tips in mind will help you ace your construction video interview. Remember that being prepared and comfortable with your setup will allow you to give your best impression.