Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) is the number one priority at JV. To minimize the risk to workers on site, it is mandatory that full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn at all times. This year on the 1st of July, JV introduced a mandatory policy to the labour hire department where all employees on site must wear full length attire when working onsite for JV. Since the implementation of this policy, we have had zero cuts and abrasions to arms and legs.
Not only is full length PPE attire helpful in preventing injuries on site but it reduces the level of sun exposure on the skin. According to the Cancer Council Australia, approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70 due to overexposure of UV radiation from the sun. Every year, skin cancer has accounted for 80% of newly diagnosed cancers.
We understand that full length attire is an inconvenience however it outweighs the significant discomfort of long term heat related illness. We have been delighted over the last few weeks to see all our employees on site embracing our onsite uniform policy - even in the extreme heat.
As we head into 2025, the residential construction market is facing a blend of challenges and opportunities. As a specialist in hiring for the residential construction sector, Fiona Lauder takes a deep dive into the latest data and insights to better understand what’s happening.
Mental Health Month is a national event celebrated every October, aiming to improve community awareness and understanding of mental health and wellbeing, serving as a reminder that safety on the job site goes beyond hard hats and caution tape. So here are some key programs and organisations leading the way when it comes to raising awareness and providing mental health support to the construction sector and beyond
JV Recruitment has been listed as a Best Brand finalist in the APSCO Australia Awards For Excellence in 2024.
JV is a specialist recruitment and traffic management agency. We’re experts across the following specialisations throughout Australia: Construction, Engineering, Facilities Management, Energy & Renewables, Business Support and Traffic Management.